Tag Archives: Pinterest

Chocolate Chip Dip

Hey babes! I hope everyone is having a lovely week! I am already ready for the weekend! We gave all the furbabies a bath and that was a work out esp with Gunner, our husky. Also, Gunner has been testing my limits by crawling into a big brush that may or may not be home to a possum or skunk. Mommy needs a shot of tequila! This week has been nothing but cleaning, unpacking and more house projects. I made a sweet treat for Honey Bear and I to have while we took a break to binge watch Netflix.

I don’t know if any of you know this but you can use Ricotta cheese not just for lasagna but for sweets too! I had some Ricotta cheese left over and I had to figure out how I could use it without it going to waste.  Also I tried a Pinterest pin of how to make this dip into a cheese ball, like the shape of it. It was an okay pin but it wasn’t perfect round or that easy. Scroll down to read more of the pin I tried.

In our house, we love snacks! Especially dips! Any kind of dip!



1 cup of Mini Chocolate Chips

1/2 cup Powdered Sugar

8 oz Brick of Cream Cheese

1/2 cup Ricotta Cheese

1 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract

Animal Crackers, Vanilla Wafers or some Vanilla plain cookie for dipping


Lay out your Cream Cheese before hand so it can be room temperature.

In a mixing bowl, mix cream cheese and powdered sugar.

Once that is mixed and the cream cheese has no chunks left, you can add everything else!

If you want more chocolate chips, once the dip has chilled after an hour, sprinkle or press lightly the remaining bag of chips onto dip. I found it too much, the texture was overwhelming when covered with more chips. Usually people like to cover the dip with a crust, or chips or something but for me it was too much. So for me, I won’t do that next time.

If you don’t care about your dip being a cheese ball shape or whatever, put it in a bowl and set it in the fridge. Let it set for about an hour. If you do want it to be a pretty shape, then scroll down.


Cheese Ball Molding Shape Instructions:

PINTEREST FAIL: had a pin on how to get your dip or cheese ball into the perfect round shape. You use Saran Wrap. Get a big piece. Dump the mixture into the middle. You know how you squeeze the air out of the bag of bread, twist the bag and put the twist tie on so that the bread stays good? That is exactly what you are going to do. I found it hard to do because when I was putting the mixture on the Saran wrap, it was room temp so it wasn’t staying in the middle. Plus once I twisted it, the Saran wrap was making creases. So doing this way, I made a brick, not a ball. Maybe it is just me but I found this to be…a fail.


 I used a round Tupperware bowl cause it’s easier. Place Saran wrap in the bowl. Let the Saran wrap corners hang over bowl. Now pack down your mix into the Tupperware bowl. Flatten the surface with a spoon as best as you can.

Don’t worry about that extra Saran wrap hanging over bowl. Don’t fold it inside the bowl or cut it off. Now put the lid on. Put in fridge for an hour. When you are ready, get the bowl out.

Pick out a pretty platter that you want your dip on. Take lid off of Tupperware bowl. Put Tupperware bowl upside down on platter. It should fall out. If not then just grab on the extra edges and corners of Saran wrap that was hanging out of the Tupperware bowl. The Saran wrap should help pull the dip out and onto the platter. Plus now you don’t have any dip left behind in your bowl.

There you go! I hope you love this recipe. Remember to take pictures and send me feedback! Love you all babes ❤

~Love Kaleido~

Sephora Give Away!

Hey good lookin’! So I was gone all last week and I had time to take a break. I had a small procedure done and they ended up taking some biopsies. I’ll probably get a call later this week with this results so hopefully all will be okay. Thank you for the sweet messages! I also hope that everyone had a great Father’s Day weekend!

Want to put a small reminder that once I reach 50 followers, I will be doing a Sephora Giveaway! So just click the Contact page and fill out the small form! Your done! Once I have 50 followers, I will enter each name into a bowl and draw! Why pass up a Sephora Giveaway!? That’s just insane! Why pass up anything free!? Are you insane!?

If your new, welcome & thank you for taking the time out of your day to visit my site! The Psychedelic Kaleidoscope Blog is not about one certain thing. Life, beauty, love, music, art and such that INSPIRES! Just like a kaleidoscope, life is colorful & ever-changing! I used to have a blog a few years ago and it started to hit off. Then my grandpa became really ill and I had to put the blog to an end. This is my “fresh start” back into the blogging world.

I hope to share and learn about each and every one of you. I live in a very small town and kind of far off from my family about an hour away. So I do like to talk a lot, share and learn about others. Here you are accepted, welcomed & respected regardless of color, size, religion, opinions & so on. This site will not tolerate any kind of hate or negativity! I also feel like besides being home, or with those I love, that I can’t really be open due to the surrounding towns being closed minded. So I thought this would be a great way to open up and maybe a few of you can do that as well.

My nick name is Kaleidoscope aka Kaleido! The name was given to me by my mother because I constantly am changing my hair color! I have been every color except silver, black and peach. I get really bored with just one hair color and I can’t help it! I used to work at Hot Topic and that didn’t help my addiction! I am though on a challenge to not dye/color my hair as much and to grow my hair out. I’ll try…TRY!

Monday’s I usually just talk my head off, share a story or do a survey. If you feel the need to share or participate then just shoot me an email. I might just put you on the blog! Wednesday’s I usually talk about whatever too but mostly it’ll be about fashion. Friday’s is for recipes especially baking goods. I think I’m better at baking than cooking honestly. From time to time, I will do a product review or else experiment with topics off Pinterest to see if it actually works. Wonder if something works? Shoot me an email. I’ll try anything!

Have a great day good lookin’ babes & dudes!

~Love Kaleido~

P.S- Fill out the form now to enter the Sephora Giveaway! IT’S FREE! If you would like to follow me on Instagram, just go to my contact page and the info is there! Love you!