Tag Archives: The Jetsons

50 Fact Challenge

Hello, good lookin’ babes & dudes! I hope your weekend was fun, safe and amazing! Just thought I’d start the Monday with a 50 fact challenge about myself. If you wish to do the same challenge, shoot me an email or tag me on Instagram. See the Contact page for more details. Just thought since I have a few new guests, that I’d refresh what you need to know about me. Once I reach 50 followers, I’ll be doing a contest give away! So, head to the Contact page and sign up pretty please! I would love to see what you guys have to say or about you guys so please tag me! You guys are really going to understand how much of a weirdo I am!

  1. My middle name was given to me by my Aunt Leslie, who’s middle name is Michelle.
  2. I’ve worked as a fire spotter for my dad, Hastings, The Browse Shop (western apparel) & Hot Topic. Hot Topic is the dream job but I had lots of fun also dressing rodeo queens & blue grass bands.
  3. Growing up, I wanted to be a sign language teacher, counselor, cop, song writer, tattoo artist, lawyer, hair stylist, wedding dress designer, makeup artist & the military.
  4. Besides, Kaleido, my other nick name is Honey Bee and my mom is called Queen Bee.  My dad is grizzly bear…hahaha. Get it!? If you see me mentioning Honey Bear, that’s Jake, aka my hubby 😉
  5. 98% of my closet consists of black. I always tell myself that I will wear something other than black. Never happens.
  6. I am Caucasian, German, Cherokee & Comanche! I take pride in my heritage & family history.
  7. It was a joke but it became a serious option when my mom was in labor with me. My name was going to be Pearly Gates in memory of my great granny, Pearl. Pearly Gates…get it? When my mom told me in about middle school of what my name nearly was, my friends started calling me that. I liked it more than my real name Brittany. (Everyone made Britney Spears jokes or assumed I was a huge fan. I have no clue why! It’s not like our names are even spelled the same).
  8. My favorite bands are Five Finger Death Punch, In This Moment, Skillet, Nothing More and Halestorm.
  9. I can’t stand to spend more than $20 on myself for any reason. I’m one of those people who gift others because it brings me joy, so doing that for myself is odd.
  10. I’m debating about going back to college. I have done some online photography but I am thinking about beauty academy!
  11. I would love to have an animal sanctuary
  12. I have been planning all my tattoos since I was 5! My parents have biker friends and I just thought they were cool uncles who had amazing art on their bodies.
  13. “Turn on’s” are a unique personality, smart, a cute smile and hard-working. Tattoo’s and piercings are just a bonus 😉 I find, esp in my Honey Bear, that the drive that he has for working so hard makes me so proud. I have someone who strives for better in life, loves work and makes a difference. So much passion in life and what they do!
  14. My hair has been every color possible except black, silver, peach & pastel yellow.
  15. I am tempted to bring home a stray animal, esp a dog, home EVERYDAY! It’s a real struggle! No, I am not an animal hoarder!
  16. I have food allergies to most fruits & vegs, few meats, eggs, some nuts, dairy and gluten!
  17. You can read more about it in my blog “Jesus Freak” because I give more details but I am terrified of church. Not every church or Christians are bad but I have had a few bad experiences. I believe in God. I have many friends who are of different religions & I love them all. I am not perfect. I am not here to pass judgement. So since I haven’t found a place to call “home” for worship, I have made a small altar in my craft room. A desk with candles, bible and music.
  18. I have a small scar on the bottom of my chin from falling out of a chair. My grandpa told me to not lean back and I didn’t listen.
  19. I can listen to a song on repeat for about a 100 times and never get tired of it!
  20. Besides my ears being pierced, I have my Monroe piercing.
  21. I am related to Hoot Gibson who was a producer, director, actor & a rodeo champion. He played in a few films with John Wayne!
  22. My mom is really my best friend! She has never turned her back on me. Even when I told her I had a girlfriend in my high school year. When my best friend passed away, I was diagnosed with severe depression. I wanted to die because I felt so guilty to be living. When I cried out for help, I never got help. I told her & that’s what helped me through. No counselor ever helped. No medicine. The love and support of my mom is what has helped me through these past several years of struggle, loss and pain.
  23. When I feel really ugly about myself, I put on Beyonce and act a fool. Doll myself up. Dance like an idiot. Sing into my mirror. Her song Pretty Hurts has helped me the most of all.
  24. Horror movies are my favorite to watch! It gives me a reason to eat chocolate and get cuddles from my husband that will protect me from any gruesome monster.
  25. I have a rare muscle condition. Not much is known about it except that it causes stroke like symptoms, bad headaches & my body draws up. No cure.
  26. I love to bake more than cooking and I can cook pretty darn well. Well at least Honey Bear thinks so!
  27. My original life plan was to go to college, don’t get married, no kids, travel a lot & own a lot of dogs. I never had a serious relationship. I knew I wasn’t meant to be with someone and most relationships never lasted past 2 weeks. It all changed when Jake came along.
  28. My soul and heart belong in Austin, Tx
  29. My grandpa was my partner in crime. Seriously. We did everything together. Now that he is gone, a huge part of me is gone. I feel lost.
  30. I hate odd numbers.
  31. Fall is my favorite part of the year. The smells of vanilla & cinnamon coffee, the leaves turning colors, sweater weather & cuddle season.
  32. Halloween is what I plan for every year! I force Jake to dress up…I know he likes it. Maybe this year I can get him to get in some tights! haha!
  33. I have a Mach Mustang
  34. I collect Vans, My Little Ponies, Minerals, hats & vintage anything!
  35. I have a crafty craft addiction! Everything is a craft project.
  36. Nyctophilia
  37. I’d rather be in a shark tank than be beside a grasshopper
  38. My favorite rose is a Joseph’s Coat. Range in color on each rose so each one is unique
  39. Vegan
  40. My favorite color is Chartreuse
  41. Most favorite thing I like about myself is my eyes. You can’t tell sometimes but one eye is a shade darker than the other. My eyes are blue with a little gold in them. I guess with my mood & weather, they change color.
  42. I like to write sci-fi/fantasy short stories and only my mom has read a few. She’s been trying to push me into publishing them.
  43. I have a small birth mark on my back that looks like a flower
  44. I am a cartoon junkie. None of those annoying, weird and sometimes creepy cartoons of the 2000’s. I like creepy but some of these cartoons disturb me nowadays. I like Jem & The Holograms, The Jetsons, The Flintstones, Scooby Doo, Popeye, Gargoyles, Captain Planet, My Little Ponies, The Smurfs, Bonkers & THUNDERCATS!!!!!!
  45. I am thankful to have them but I get grossed out about feet. Your feet better be clean, smell good & cared for before asking me for a foot massage!
  46. Speaking of feet, the worst date I ever had was with this guy I was crazy about. Well we went to watch a movie and he started picking at his toes & chewed off his toe nails. Then tried to kiss me! I was out of there in 3 seconds!
  47. I’m very upset & down that the new movie about Jem & The Holograms is nothing close to the story line of the cartoons! So sad!
  48. I collect bones. Yes, bones. Fake & real. I take skulls off of farms that had a cow or something that passed away. I clean them and paint some. I like to put them in my house or in my garden. No animals were killed for my collection.
  49. Even though it is a “bad luck” to have opal as a wedding ring, that’s what I got! I love anything with Opal.
  50. I’m a professional shower singer 😉 My voice is like an angel when I sing into that shower head!

Wow, that was too long of a challenge! 50 Facts you needed to know about me! Hope you guys didn’t pass out while reading that! Tell me 20-50 facts about yourself! Tag me! Remember to sign up on the Contact page. Once I reach 50 followers, I will be having a give away! Have a wonderful Monday!

~Love, Kaleido~